Artist Questions

Artist Questions

How does OpenMicVideo make it so affordable?
Simple, by keeping the overhead down. Everyone at OpenMicVideo owns their equipment. It's all paid for. And we do this because we love music and film, and what better way to finance a film then by doing something we enjoy? Also, to keep the cost down we rely on guerilla advertising methods and word of mouth. We even make our own coffee, no Starbucks for us! So go ahead and try to find a company that does what we do at a lower price, we triple dog dare you.

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What areas will OpenMicVideo go to?
OpenMicVideo operates 50 miles radius of the city of Atlanta, Georgia.

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What can this be used for?
We've had our clients use the DVDs from OpenMicVideo in various creative ways: Gifts, Archives, Broadcast, Promotions, Sales, Giveaways, Websites, Demo/Showcase Reels, Auditions, and Low Cost Music Videos. And we're sure that you can think of more creative ways to use it too.

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Is this just for musicians?
Does Waffle House only sell waffles? OpenMicVideo loves music, but we have also provided the same services to comedians, actors, directors, editors, writers, restaurant owners, event organizers. So the services of OpenMicVideo can be applied to more than just open mic musicians.

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Why should I use this?
In this day of multimedia and the Internet, it seems just writing good songs isn't enough.

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Who will keep the masters?
To make the reordering process go more smoothly and quickly, OpenMicVideo will keep the masters of the video performance, but you will still maintain the rights for the video. OpenMicVideo will not sell or distribute your performance without your permission.

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What are the advantage of DVD over VHS?
DVDs have an interactive multimedia aspect to it that VHS does not have. With DVDs, OpenMicVideo can include customized menus, chapters, bio, pictures, and even links to your websites. In addition, DVD will give you a higher quality image with no degradation with numerous replays. VHS tapes will degrade over time after many viewings.

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Does OpenMicVideo do additional graphics and packaging?
Yes, OpenMicVideo can do additional graphics and packaging for your DVDs and VHS tapes. However, we can only do this on case-by-case bases. Please contact us for info.

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Can I bring in my own graphics and video?
Absolutely. We can include graphics and video that you may already have. However, you must have copyrights to the graphics and video that you provide us.

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What payment options do I have?
We accept cash, check, and money order. We also accept American Express, Mastercard, Visa, and Discover through PayPal. You must have or open a FREE PayPal account to use credit cards.

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I already have video of my performance, but would like to put them on DVD. Can OpenMicVideo put them on DVD?
We would love to. Just send us your performance on VHS, SVHS, Hi-8, Mini-DV, DVD, or QuickTime format and pick a package.

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Can OpenMicVideo put the videos onto a CD-ROM instead of DVD or VHS?
Yes we can, however, due to the limited amount of data that can be placed on a CD-ROM there will be a decrease in the quality of the video.

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Will the DVDs work on all DVD players?
It will work on about 90% of all the DVD players. Some of the older DVD players do NOT work well with DVD-R media. If you've bought the DVD player in the last 2-3 years, it should work.

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What kind of packaging will it come in?
To keep the material and shipping cost down, the DVDs will come in protective paper sleeves. You then have the option to use whatever casing you see fit.

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How fast is the turn around?
As quickly as we can, usually 2 to 3 weeks.

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Can OpenMicVideo film outside a venue at a private location?
Yes, we can film anytime anywhere. You want to film it at your home studio? How about your garage? Your driveway? Sure, just let us know when to be there.

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How many copies can I make and how much will that cost?
We can make as many copies as you like and will be $9 each. If you are ordering more than 10 copies, please contact us for a discount price.

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How long can the songs be?
Each song is limited to 10 minutes. If the songs are longer than 10 minutes, it will be counted and charged as two songs.

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How many songs can I put onto the DVD?
Depends on how long your songs are, but you can fit about 2 hours worth of video onto a DVD.

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Does OpenMicVideo distribute the DVDs?
No, we only send the discs to you. Contact us and we will be more than happy to refer you to a distributor.

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Can I move from one package to another the next time?
Absolutely. You can move from Platinum to Titanium anytime, and well include your old songs onto the new package for free.

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How can I reorder and how long will it take?
You can reorder by contacting us. And it will take 2 to 3 weeks.

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Do I have to sign a long-term contract?
Nope, we won't hold you hostage like a cell phone company. You have no long-term obligation with us after you pay for your package.

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Can you record my stuff in a studio?
Sure. We can even do it while you're recording your material. Kind of like a documentary of the making of your music.

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What is OpenMicVideo's refund policy?
If you have reserved the services of but would like to cancel the reservation, if you give us a 48hr notice prior to the event, we will refund you 100% of your money. No refunds will be offered if you cancel with less than 48hrs of the event. There will be NO refunds for cancellation of reorders.

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I need to change my reservation.
Contact us and let us know when you would like to reschedule it to and we will try to accommodate your schedule as much as possible.

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The DVDs do not seem to work.
If we send you a damaged or unplayable discs, please return it to us and we will send you a working replacement disc at no charge. However, if the damage is due to your negligence, we will not replace the disc, but you can reorder more discs from us.

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